Doing what is right, not just what is convenient...
Honest, Convenient, Dependable -- 24/7 by Appointment Only
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Mission Statement
When may a Notary Refuse to Peform a Notarization?
For an honest, conscientious, knowlegeable, professional 
and prudent Notary Public to perform a Notarial Act,
several factors must be taken into consideration.
If the requirements are not met, a Notary Public 
MUST (by state law) refuse to notarize.

A Notary MUST Refuse to Notarize if:

The Signer does not have valid identificationor
                   cannot be identified by one of the other two methods
                   acceptable under Hawaii law;

The Notary cannot positively identify the signer from the
     identification presented;

The Signer's signature on the I.D., on the document and in the
Notary's Journal are not substantially similar, or there are                other indications that lead the Notary to believe false
              identification has been presented;

The Document is "incomplete" (i.e., lists exhibits or attachments as 
being part of the document but they are missing from the       
                   document(s) presented for notarization, or pages are missing from
                   the document, or the signer presents only the signature page of a

The Document contains "blank" lines (unless they are addressed
by the signer prior to notarization).  The document notarized
                   must be "complete."  A signer cannot be said to have been
                   "aware" of the contents of the document and signed it "willingly"
                   if the document is not complete;

The Notary is unable to communicate (by voice or in writing
with the signer (due to language or health issueswhich
is are the methods used by the Notary to determine
                   willingness and awareness;

The Document is not one that can be legally notarized (Birth
Certificates, Marriage Licenses, Death Certificates,
Passports, school diplomas or transcripts, etc.).

The Notary knows/learns, or has good reason to believe, 
that the document being notarized is part of a false,
fraudulent or illegal transaction OR that the signer
              is being coerced or forced to sign against the signer's will.

If a Notary Public must refuse to notarize a document, that Notary Public should explain to the signer exactly why the Notary is unable to notarize for them and offer information on ways in which the signer
may be able to correct any deficiencies so that
the document(s) may be legally notarized 
once the problems are corrected.

A Notary MAY NOT refuse service on the basis of race, religion, nationality, lifestyle, or because the person is not a client or customer.
Please support mandatory and continuing 
education for Hawaii Notaries.
Honolulu, Hawaii: 