(including Mobile Service upon request)

What you need to know about obtaining "inked" 
fingerprints in Honolulu!

Doing what is right, not just what is convenient...
Mission Statement
Where can I obtain inked fingerprints in Honolulu?

In Honolulu, inked, rolled fingerprints on employer/agency-provided cards are done only by employers, directly, OR private companies that offer fingerprinting services.  

The Honolulu Police Department does not do fingerprinting for private citizens.  They will generally refer to the Criminal Justice Data Center.

The Criminal Justice Data Center (part of othe Attorney General's Office) offers only "digital" fingerprinting to the public and requires appointments which, generally, are made up to a month or more in advance.  The digital system provided by the CJDC takes the prints digitally and then they are printed out onto a card-like form and given to you.   Most mainland agencies requesting fingerprinting will not accept this type of digital print so be sure to confirm with the agency requesting your print that they will accept prints done in this manner.  

The other form of digital printing is called "live-scan." 

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Where can I obtain inked fingerprints in Honolulu?

What are the common reasons people need inked fingerprints? 

Is an appointment necessary?   YES, fingerprinting is by appointment only.

What do I need to bring with me?  Do I need to bring the cards?

How much will it cost?  How long will it take?

What if my fingerprint cards are rejected by the FBI?

What if Signing Hawaii cannot offer an appointment that is convenient for me?
What are the common reasons people need inked fingerprints?

Signing Hawaii, Inc., commonly receives requests for fingerprinting for the following purposes:

Out-of-state nursing licenses (these account for the majority of requests), physicians, and attorney licenses.

Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and other financial institutions.

Federal Employment, including the Department of Homeland Security and federal contractors.

Peace Corps Applications,

Private adoptions, including overseas adoptions.

Out-of-state liquor licenses.

Application for a Work Visa in a foreign country,

Application by Tax Preparers for e-Filing authorization.

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What do I need to bring with me?

You should bring two pieces of current identification, the fingerprint cards provided by the agency requesting the prints, and any instruction sheet provided to you concerning the fingerprinting.

You should NOT complete any portion of the card prior to arriving at your appointment.

Do I need to bring the cards?

The majority of the time, the employer/agency will provide cards that have specific information pre-printed on them.  If you have not received cards you should call to confirm that you may proceed without waiting to receive cards from the employer/agency that is requesting the fingerprints from you.  

If you are being asked to provide an FBI check, yourself, then you do not need to bring cards.  Signing Hawaii, Inc., will provide the card for you and also has printed instructions from the FBI website concerning the requirements for obtaining a background check.

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How much will it cost?

The cost will depend on the number of cards you are requesting.  

First Card:  $20.00
Each additional card:$15.00

Payment may be in cash, check or major credit card. 

Please call for a quote if you require mobile service or are asking for a "quantity" discount.

How long will it take?

The AVERAGE time to complete one card is 15-20 minutes.  Two cards take, on average, 30-45 minutes.

The exact amount of time it will take depends on the individual being fingerprinted and, on occasion, it may be particularly difficult to obtain clear, readable prints on an individual.  This occurs for various reasons and it will require additional time to determine the cause and it may take as long as an hour or more to obtain readable prints in those instances.  

Please schedule your appointment for a time when you have at least an hour of time to spend, if necessary. 

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What if my fingerprint cards are rejected by the FBI?

If your fingerprint cards are rejected by the FBI, Signing Hawaii will reprint you, at no cost to you.  

Often the card is not returned to you but occasionally you will receive communication indicating which print or prints were unreadable.  On rare occasions it is not possible to get classifiable prints on all fingers.  

If technicians have ever had difficulty obtaining classifiable prints from you in the past, please be sure to let me know the first time I print you as there methods that can used to help insure success the first time. 

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Honest, Convenient, Dependable -- 24/7 by Appointment Only
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education for Hawaii Notaries.
Honolulu, Hawaii: 

I currently do fingerprinting at my home in MAKIKI by appointment only.  I have limited availability Monday through Thursday. Appointments on those days are scheduled at 5 p.m. or later. 

I am available to make appointments all day on Friday or Saturday.

The following location also offers inked fingerprinting:

Image City (Restaurant Row)
M-F / Please call for an appointment.