Doing what is right, not just what is convenient...
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Mission Statement
The signer of a document must indicate/demonstrate their awareness of the importance and effect of the document which they are signing.  They don't need to have read every word, OR to explain the document in formal, legal terms.  BUT, they do need to acknowledge their understanding of the purpose of the document.  

The signer should be able to express, in a common language with the Notary, what the document is that they are signing.  If the signer cannot communicate with the Notary in the Notary's language what the document is and what the purpose is, then the Notary should not notarize the document.  Failure to communicate may be cause by health issues or language differences.  The ability of the signer to answer "Yes" or "No" questions, should not be deemed a demonstration that they understand.  The signer must communicate, either verbally, or in writing, in a common language with the Notary, in order to determine understanding/awareness.  The document must also be in a language that is familiar to the signer

A Notary would have a hard time justifying before a court of law why they notarized a deed giving away property when the signer was not aware of what it was they were signing.

Please support mandatory and continuing 
education for Hawaii Notaries.
Honolulu, Hawaii: 