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education for Hawaii Notaries.
Please support mandatory and continuing 
education for Hawaii Notaries.
Honolulu, Hawaii: 
The Notary Public 
Code of Professional Responsibility
Setting the Standard for Professional Responsibility
Purpose of the Code
10 Guiding Principles
The National Notary Association has introduced the first-ever, comprehensive and detailed code of ethical and professional conduct for America's Notaries: The Notary Public Code of Professional Responsibiity.  Addressing the common problems, issues and questions encountered by modern Notaries, the Code provides standards by which Notaries entering the 21st century can achieve a heightened professionalism and thereby a greater confidence and respect.
Purpose of the Code

Guide Notaries...First and foremost, the new Notary Public Code of Professional Responsibility will provide clear and specific guidelines for Notaries when statute is silent.

Educate Non-Notaries...The Code may be handed to an employer, a coworker, a customer or any other use of notarial services to explain the Notary's proper role.

Serve As Catalyst For Change...For lawmakers and administrators, the Code is a moral imperative for progressive change and a catalyst for improving notarial statutes and conventions in commerce and law. 

Reduce Fraud, Litigation...Widespread implementation of the Code will significantly reduce fraud and the volume of civil and criminal lawsuits resulting from frauds.

Foster Confidence...Any Notary's adherence to the Standards of the Code brings confidence that he or she is acting in accord with the highest professional and ethical traditions of the notarial office.

Engender Respect...Widespread adherence to the Standards of the Code will heighten professionalism and thereby engender respect and recognition for the Notary office in the enterprises of government and business, both in this nation and abroad.
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10 Guiding Principles
of The Notary Public Code of Professional Responsibility

I.   The Notary shall, as a government officer and public servant, serve all of the public in an
honest, fair and unbiased manner.

II. The Notary shall act as an impartial witness and not profit or gain from any document or
            transaction requiring a notarial act, apart from the fee allowed by statute.

III.     The Notary shall require the presence of each signer and oath-taker in order to carefully
            screen each for identity and willingness, and to observe that each appears aware of the
            significance of the transaction requiring a notarial act.

IV. The Notary shall not execute a false or incomplete certificate, nor be involved with any
            document or transaction that the Notary believes is false, deceptive or fraudulent.

V.  The Notary shall give precedence to the rules of law over the dictates or expectations of any
           person or entity.

VI. The Notary shall act as a ministerial officer and not provide unauthorized advice or services.

VII.     The :Notary shall affix a seal on every notarized document and not allow this universally
            recognized symbol of office to be used by another or in an endorsement or promotion.

VIII.   The Notary shall record every Notarial act in a bound journal or other secure recording
            device and safeguard it as an important public record.

IX.The Notary shall respect the privacy of each signer and not divulge or use personal or
           proprietary information disclosed during execution of a notarial act for other than an official

X.  The Notary shall seek instruction on notarization, and keep current on the laws, practices and
           requirements of the notarial office.